
Friday 19 March 2010

Virgin Blogger

I have now been blogging for, ooh let me see, about four hours. After years of lurking, snooping, watching and listening, throwing myself headlong into the fray of message boards, forums, MySpace and Facebook - I have finally blogged for the very first time.

Initially I decided to do this so I could improve the format for the Gluttony Group that I started a while ago on Facebook; I found the format a bit limiting and the display is useless for recipes and food tips.

I feel dirty and used but I like it. I have joined the merry throng of internet narcissists who talk about me, me, me. However, as I am not one to blow my own trumpet I will try to use this site for something a little bit more interesting than the middle aged Domestic Goddess that I am (see, the self obsession bug has bitten me already). Not much to see yet but watch this space.

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