
Monday 9 April 2012

Cod with Black Olive Dressing

Cod with Black Olive Dressing

Writing about food for Cotswold Style, and in a constant creative cooking frenzy, I found myself with a body shaped like one of those huge luxury Easter Eggs you see in the window of fancy chocolate shops.  I had taken my eye off the ball whilst taste testing cream buns, and something had to change.  So, setting myself a challenge of “can diet food be delicious” I have been dabbling with lower calorie meals that tempt my taste buds whilst whittling away at my waistline.

In my newfound spirit of healthy eating, fish is just the kind of food I fancy at the moment.  It took me forty something years to become a fully fledged fish aficionado and I am now making up for lost time and not just saving fish for Friday.

I think what I love most about fish, is the speed and simplicity in which I can prepare a quick supper.  I am also discarding my food snobbery and have subsequently discovered that frozen fish can be a good friend to the busy cook, and is often surprisingly inexpensive (three cheers for Aldi frozen Sea Bass fillets at £2.99 for two).

However, we have Good Friday to think about so my fishy offering this month is Cod.  I choose Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified line caught Cod in an attempt to be ethical about my choice. 

Cod and olives are a wonderful partnership and a traditional Mediterranean combination.  This meal is almost effortless, and the end result is elegant and stylish.  I usually serve with a freshly made ratatouille or a salad.  If you are especially diet conscious, just use a little less of the olive oil dressing.

Serves 4


100g x black olives

200ml x good olive oil

A few radishes, sliced
Chives for garnish

4  x cod fillets, about 150-175g each

Salt and pepper
Splash of white wine


Blitz the olives and oil for a few seconds, or simply chop olives and mix with oil. Set aside.

Preheat the oven to 220 C (200 for fan oven), season the fish and wrap individually in foil with a splash of white wine, until cooked; this will take about 12-15 minutes. 
To serve, plate the fish and garnish with the sliced radishes and chives. Drizzle with the blended oil (this will have separated, like a vinaigrette)

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